Shrimp Burgers with Smoky Honey Sriracha Mayo
Shrimp Burgers
It's like, "Whaaaa? Shrimp, as a burger??" That's right, and it's probably the most delicious way you'll ever have shrimp. It might not make sense to you right now, but as soon as you cook and eat this, you'll understand it's majesty.
The Burger itself.
- 1lb of shrimp, medium to large, peeled and deveined
- 1/4 cup panko breadcrumbs
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- Smoked Sea Salt, to taste
- Smoked Black Pepper, to taste
- 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
- 2 scallions, thinly sliced
- 1 large egg, lightly beaten
- Smoked Olive Oil, to oil pan
Smoked Honey Sriracha Mayo.
- Smoked Wildflower Honey
- Sriracha hot sauce
- Mayonnaise
They can be whatever you desire, but I like to go with:
- Red onion
- Avocado
- Pickles
- Arugula
- Brioche buns
Start by cutting about 2/3 of your shrimp into large chunks. I like to get about 3 or 4 chunks per shrimp depending on the size.
Set the chunks aside and puree the remainder of your shrimp in a food processor until smooth.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the shrimp puree, shrimp chunks, bread crumbs, garlic powder, scallions, egg, lemon juice, salt, and pepper until everything is uniform. If you are using your hands, I highly suggest oiling them with olive oil as this process is very messy and sticky. Even more preferable to use oiled latex gloves.
Make patties out of your shrimp burger mix. These patties will not shrink like a beef hamburger, so make them the exact size that you want.
Heat your oil on medium high heat in a pan. Cook the burgers for about 3 minutes per side, but be mindful of how thick you made the patties. You don't want to undercook them, but you sure as hell don't want to overcook them. I like to go for a slight caramelization on each side.
For the Smoked Honey Sriracha Mayo, just combine 2 parts mayonnaise with 1 part Smoked Honey and 1 part sriracha. You can adjust this to the flavor that you like, but this is a decent proportion.
Now, just stack up your burger the way you like it! I highly suggest toasting the bun. Enjoy!